Sort by: Helpfulness Review Date Total Votes Prolific Reviewer Review Rating. Review and Rating of Documentary, Horror movie Dinner with Leatherface directed by Michael Kallio with starcast Bruce Campbell,Gunnar Hansen,Betsy Baker. Spend a little time now for free register and you could benefit later.

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Dinner with Leatherface

Leatherface is one more of the bunch, it does not mark the way to anything new, but it shows us that Hollywood ran out of ideas for quite some time and is willing to recycle whatever it is. Here is the review of Leatherface Movie Review - Leatherface Movie Review Rating, can see the Runtime, Genre - cast and crew with Certificate. Little Jed is gifted a chainsaw for his birthday, but he's too squeamish to break it in on a poor captive tied up at the dinner table, despite the goading. 'Leatherface'. Aside from the original masterpiece, goofy sequel, and surprisingly decent remake, every movie. Directed by Alexandre Bustillo & Julien Maury. Leatherface begins with a setting that has become famous from the brand's previous movies, the family dinner table.

Trailer Dinner with Leatherface

Dinner with Leatherface

Dinner with Leatherface

Predictable and boring, Leatherface fails to give viewers and fans of the franchise a gripping, riveting, startling movie on how a serial killer family is born. Leatherface begins with a seemingly normal birthday dinner for a young boy, Jed (Boris Kabakchiev). Leatherface is not a wildly original reboot, it simply brings a breath of refreshingly foul air to a moribund franchise.

Leatherface is only on screen for a few seconds—you could practically blink and miss his grand introduction—but from the moment he appears, as if through a rip in the fabric of the movie's reality and the reality of movies, it's clear that no rational explanation could ever account for such an abomination. For the majority of the movie it's not clear which one of them is set to become Leatherface, and that's part of the mystery aspect. If you take away the Leatherface title, you really could make a case that this could be a stand alone movie. Leatherface is an origin story that attempts to carve new mythos for one of horror's mightiest legends, but ends up leaning on franchise references and bleakness to an unnecessary fault. "My Dinner With Herve" is another by-the-book antihero story, but this one features two angry men without anything relevant to say.