Console Wars Ratings & Reviews Explanation. Co-writers/co-directors Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg draw inspiration from Blake Harris' book Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo and the Battle that Defined a Generation for this docudrama detailing the epic battle. Gaming Historian reviews 'Console Wars' by Blake J.

The reviewer manages to flame every single console and Blu-Ray in one long video with no punctuation. I love this guys work, I think he is one of the bright spots on the net, his Heavenly Sword demo review was terrific. It was a once-in-a-lifetime, no-holds-barred conflict that pit brother against brother, kids against grownups.

Console Wars

It follows businessman Tom Kalinske in his venture as CEO of video game. All Goldberg and Rogen need to do is find a way to make corporate rivalry exciting and. Console Wars is a Web Original Video Review Show created by Greg Gatarz and Dan Bulich … They try their hardest not to come up with ties for any of the categories, but occasionally they do (in fact, one of their reviews ended in the game * Battletoads and Double Dragon being declared a tie). Console Wars tells the tale of Sega of America's rise to prominence led by charismatic president Tom Kalinske, who reinvigorated the Sega Genesis and In cinema-ready form, Console Wars opens with a foreword by Rogen and his collaborator Evan Goldberg. Rather than a traditional introduction to the. Original, heartfelt sibling adventure about love and loss.

Trailer Console Wars

Console Wars

Console Wars

Read Common Sense Media's Onward review, age rating, and parents guide. Some real-life products have parody versions in the movie, like a game called Prance Prance Revolution. As Console Wars wraps up, readers are led to one overwhelming conclusion: Under the unfettered leadership of Tom Kalinske, Sega of America thrived, was practically invincible, and would have continued to dominate the American video game market.

Console Wars is an American YouTube channel hosted by Greg Gatarez and Dan Bulich. The videos on the channel often revolve around the two comparing video games on Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Master System. Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg Will Enter the 'Console Wars'. Latest Movie ReviewsSee All. 'The Trip to Greece' Review. Console wars, of course, seems to refer to the endless competition between video game consoles.