Sonic Rebuilt has original animation.and that's it. No new audio and no new music except for the credits. It was a straight-up remake of the original Also, it's a free movie on YouTube so it's not like I spent any money on it.

I'm going to avoid spoilers just so this doesn't get deleted. And I know people aren't going to believe me. Sonic the Hedgehog isn't a movie but a boardroom meeting with some poor hapless dreamer strapped to the "directed by" credit.

Sonic Rebuilt

Film Review: Sonic the Hedgehog Isn't a Movie, It's a Boardroom Meeting. The movie succeeds only when it's plugging its half dozen corporate tie-ins. Sonic the Hedgehog opens with a young Sonic (voiced by Ben Schwartz) landing on Earth, and hiding from those who wish to use his powers for themselves. The movie's inability to maintain a consistent tone trips up what could have been a fun experience, blunting the elements that actually work. A new film about the famous Sega mascot fails to understand what makes the character work, or how to make video game movies exciting. But the producers of the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie have got it all back to front.

Trailer Sonic Rebuilt

Sonic Rebuilt

Sonic Rebuilt

In this episode, Sonic and the gang must rebuild the world. My review on the world's largest rubber band ball. With the redesign out of the way, why else should anyone attend this video game film?

Sonic the hedgehog is a great movie for kids to watch. I thought the movie was very cheesy, and its plot is predictable. The film uses a cliche, protagonist vs. antagonist story (with Sonic being the villain and Dr. Eggman being the villain). sonic_ova sega_genesis sega sonic sonic_the_hedgehog metal_sonic sonic_movie sega_sonic.