James's father dies and now they live in a mansion with servants. His wife Sophie doesn't want servants. James buys a male robot servant with some glitches.

An idealistic, attractive young couple acquires a stunning, life-like robot for guilt-free help; but, as the three grow closer, their perception of humanity will be altered forever. Life Like may leave you with a handful of questions, but one character named Henry brings enough intrigue to forget every moment which makes you raise an eyebrow. Recaps, Reviews, and So Much More.

Life Like

LIFE LIKE doesn't add anything new to the A. I. theme, besides the twist ending maybe, which felt rather implausible, though. It's nevertheless an LIFE LIKE is sci-fi lite. It reminded me of that one Black Mirror episode with literally the same A. I. concept, but at least, that one had an actual story going for it. James is working on the trust fund run by his father.

Trailer Life Like

Life Like

Life Like

Upon the death of his father, he becomes CEO of the company. Life Like succeeds as a campy erotic thriller. It's less successful as thoughtful sci fi but there are enough ideas to merit a discussion.

In this review I will avoid spoilers for the second half of the film… which is more than I can say for the trailer. Everyone loves movies, and a lot of people wish their life was just like one. Movies excite us, give us a chance to think, and can even motivate us to live better lives. Well you're the main character in your life and you're filming your story right now.