With Natasha Little, Douglas Hodge, Colin Salmon, Linda Kash. A woman makes a bet with her husband that she can get the next man she sees to propose to her. With Alex Klein, Brian Atkinson, Amanda Clayton, Michael Consiglio.

We have ranked the best movies of all time that our film editors say you need to watch. Everyone has their favorites—that's why any debate over what makes the best movies of all time can take hours (or, in our cases, a lifetime). A good review can make you watch a movie.

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Find out our top five best movie review sites so you'll always know whether a movie is worth watching. Get the latest film and movie reviews on NME.com. Film Reviews. 'Unhinged' review: a vicious and trashy road-rage thriller best enjoyed for what it is. Russell Crowe action flick has no deep meaning, it's just tense, fast entertainment that doesn't outstay its welcome. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! These are the best movies of all time, ranked by movie experts and film fans alike.

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The Bet

The Bet

So, what are the best movies of all time? The list includes a wide range of films from all over the world, from art house European cinema to top action films and must-see blockbusters. Cinefocuz is the best portal for reviews from Bollywood & Tollywood.

Get genuine updates from Telugu Movie ratings, Tollywood. The best movies of all time stay with us, change us, comfort us, thrill us with their filmmaking craft, and hit hard with plots that twist Empire asked readers to pick the best films ever made, combing through their personal collections and placing their votes for the. Gina Pareño lives in an impoverished Philippine neighborhood in "The Bet Collector."Credit. Global Film Initiative. "The Bet" Movie Blog & Review Party!