Is it everything I had hoped for? The ADORABLE chibi rendition of NEET in the. Why make a movie out of that beautiful game?

It shows a silent protagonist and he is sent to the fictional Shujin Academy after his probation period because of a false. The Persona series remains fascinated with teenage drama, mysterious crimes (especially murders), and. Q&A Boards Community Contribute Games What's New.

PERSONA 5 the Stage

Isso provavelmente não é muito diferente da realidade, não só no Japão como em muitas partes do mundo e é isso que. I can easily recall Yosuke and Teddie's snarky interactions with each other; or Kanji. Que nous réserve ce "Persona Special Stage" ? Une chose est sûre, cette annonce ravira les fans impatients qui n'auront plus qu'à attendre une bonne semaine pour avoir des nouvelles du tant attendu nouveau volet de la saga de RPG d'Atlus. The latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Sono state rilasciate immagini per il protagonista interpretato da Hiroki Ino.

Trailer PERSONA 5 the Stage

PERSONA 5 the Stage

PERSONA 5 the Stage