Revisit these iconic summer movies, from coming-of-age favorites, to whirlwind romances, to camp slashers. Entertaining and informative, especially if you're interested in current events. A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia, tells more.

David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia is the sort of film that absolutely devours every superlative in the book and then challenges you to think up new ones for it to chew on spit back out. As a historical biography of one of war-time's most ephemeral, inspirational and controversial figures. Read Common Sense Media's Lawrence of Arabia review, age rating, and parents guide.

Lawrence After Arabia

Most movies look better in theaters, but Lawrence of Arabia is one that demands to be seen on the big screen. You certainly wouldn't want to watch it on a small TV: the Super Panavision widescreen. It was directed by David Lean and produced by Sam Spiegel. A bored general staffer, Lawrence talks his way into a transfer to Arabia. Once in the desert, he befriends Sherif Ali Ben El Kharish (Omar Sharif, making one of the most spectacular entrances in movie history) and draws. Production: Columbia release and presentation of Sam Spiegel David Lean (Horizon (G.

Trailer Lawrence After Arabia

Lawrence After Arabia

Lawrence After Arabia

Edward Said wrote that Lawrence invented the Arab's "primitive simplicity" though there is nothing simple here about O'Toole's Lawrence, as he discovers in himself a taste for sensual ruthlessness and is wracked with self-hate after being. A movie review by James Berardinelli. Lawrence of Arabia features five major events: Lawrence's initial foray into Bedouin territory and his meetings with Feisel and Sherif Ali Ibn El Kharish (Omar Sharif), his trek across the Nefud Desert and subsequent.

Gone With The Wind set the stage for epic tales of cinema and Lawrence of Arabia brought it to incredible heights. Lawrence (Peter O'Toole) is sent to spy on King Feisal (Alec Guiness), one of the many Arabic rulers. Lawrence of Arabia is a historical epic film directed by David Lean, about British officer T. Lawrence's activities leading Lawrence: To work your miracle.